A few days ago, I had requested through Telegram a consultation with a senior doctor from your neurology department, however, that doctor was unavailable due to her busy schedule and I was offered instead to be treated by Dr Anna Parhomenko. I must admit that prior to going to the appointment, I had reviewed Dr Parhomenko’s profile and I was a bit concerned if this young doctor would have the capacity to treat my lower back pain. Well, within the first couple of minutes after starting the consultation with Dr Parhomenko, I was pleasantly surprised that I had in front of me a very highly educated, calm and composed “young doctor” whom however, was conducting the process of diagnosis with such composure, as if she had been performing this delicate profession for many years! Dr Parhomenko answered my every question regarding Modic I, Mascular-tonic Syndrome, degenerative changes in the spine, etc. with factual information and also provided me with straight forward explanations on how to alleviate pain by strengthening the back muscles and by focusing on a lifestyle based on fitness instead of the dependence on unnecessary prescription medication or physiotherapy. I would highly recommend Dr Parhomenko… she might be at the beginning of her career but I can see that this young doctor is totally committed to her profession and the future ahead will be bright for her! Thank you Dr Anna Parhomenko!